Every couple faces challenges and you knew marriage would take hard work, but you thought you’d be in it together. Instead...

  • You hate to even bring up problems with your husband because you fear how he’ll respond. So you wind up tangled in a never-ending internal battle and always seem to walk away carrying the blame.
  • He hates the things you enjoy, and you’re drowning in loneliness even though you have other friends. (Other people seem to like you…why doesn’t HE?) 
  • You hate to admit it, but you feel the most peaceful when he’s not even around.

You dreamed of having an intimate relationship where you felt safe and loved. Instead...

You find yourself constantly gauging your husband’s emotions in every situation. (Ever felt like you’re walking on eggshells? It’s a good way to cut your feet.)

You work hard to avoid the critical words and looks when he’s annoyed with something you’ve said or done.

You DO feel loved sometimes…but only when you’re successful at making him happy and keeping his ego stroked.

You’ve done everything you know to do…

  • You’ve read marriage books (a STACK of them), and you’ve tried everything they say: Showed him more respect. Started speaking ALL FIVE love languages. Showed him you cared enough to have sex on his terms.
  • You’ve sought “wise counsel” from people at your church. From elders. People who KNOW the Bible. You’re trying to get answers, but they just don’t see what’s really happening. (… which makes you feel more invisible).
  • YOU can see that you’ve grown, in spite of the pressure. You’re more kind. More forgiving. But it’s getting harder to forgive, harder to keep your cool when you feel like lashing out at his accusations (LORD, please give me patience!)
  • …And it’s tough to admit, but when you’re honest? It’s not getting better.

It's getting worse…

But what if…

What if you could learn—and practice—the skills that will give you more control over the way you feel on a day-to-day basis, while freeing you up from being responsible for everyone else’s feelings?

What if you could set down the heavy mental and emotional baggage you’ve been carrying, so you can think more clearly and actually enjoy life?

What if you didn’t NEED the approval, permission, or “wise counsel” of authorities to feel confident that you (yes, YOU!) can make wise decisions for yourself and your kids?

...and what if you had a support group 100% filled with women who understand your marriage problems (because they’ve been there) and could offer the validation and acceptance you crave? Friends that have your back and will love and respect the choices you’re making, whatever they may be?

Imagine not being afraid of the future because you have the self-awareness, skills, confidence, and freedom to live the life God created you (uniquely you) to live.

The Kaleidoscope is a lifeline of education, coaching, and support for women of faith in painful and confusing marriages.

A flock of butterflies is called a Kaleidoscope, and this is what we are! A community of women learning together how to heal and fly free into our God-given identity.


What Flying Free Members Are Saying

"I was concerned that I was going to hear a bunch of "good advice" that wouldn’t really pertain to my situation.

I was concerned that I would feel worse about my situation and that somehow it really was/is " all in my head." Oh my gracious! I am both saddened by so many stories that sound just like mine and encouraged that there are women who truly understand and truly want to get whole and free. I have learned so much in such a short period of time. In every story I read, comment that is posted, and lesson to work through, God is showing Himself to me and bringing freedom in areas I never thought I would ever be free."

- T.F. Frederick, MD

Flying Free Sisterhood Member

"I've found a renewed confidence that God is aware of my pain and wanting and willing to help me as I walk this journey of healing.

I've also felt understood as I learned this new definition of abuse as the misassignment of responsibility. This matches my experience and makes so much sense. I like the structure of having small, bite-sized lessons to work through, with regular reminder emails. Reminder isn't the right word, but those emails make me feel like I'm being checked in with. This has made the whole process seem manageable. I also like the shared sisterhood of people who understand without you having to explain it to them. The experience of emotional abuse and betrayal trauma is so isolating. Having a community that gets it is empowering."

- S.J. Tomball, TX

Flying Free Sisterhood Member

"I was worried this wasn't the right place for me since I am not currently pursuing divorce or separation.

I was also worried that members with strong opinions would treat me like I am an idiot for staying in my marriage and trying to fix things. But I have been supported by the members and have people who understand what I am going through. The curriculum has been great! It has helped me start to change my thinking about my life and myself."

- D.N. South Holland, IL

Flying Free Sisterhood Member

My name is Natalie Hoffman. I'm a former homeschooling mom of nine, educator, author, podcaster, professional certified coach, and life-long survivor of covert emotional and spiritual abuse.

I know what it's like to crawl, and I know what it's like to fly free. My passion, education, and skill set empowers women of faith to go from one to the other.

I've gently and compassionately walked this path with hundreds of women, and I'm ready to walk it beside you.

You're not alone anymore.

"Natalie, you're a truth-teller, which is something this world desperately needs more of.  Your education, coaching, and advocacy all come from the most beautiful, loving place.  And your humor, candor, and willingness to "go there" are what invite us into that space." 

—Former Flying Free Member

My name is Natalie Hoffman. I'm a former homeschooling mom of nine, educator, author, podcaster, professional certified coach, and life-long survivor of covert emotional and spiritual abuse.

I know what it's like to crawl, and I know what it's like to fly free. My passion, education, and skill set empowers women of faith to go from one to the other.

I've gently and compassionately walked this path with hundreds of women, and I'm ready to walk it beside you.

You're not alone anymore.

"Natalie, you're a truth-teller, which is something this world desperately needs more of.  Your education, coaching, and advocacy all come from the most beautiful, loving place.  And your humor, candor, and willingness to "go there" are what invite us into that space." 

—Former Flying Free Member

"I have been so impressed and blown away by all that is offered...

The depth of the material is amazing and super helpful. Real techniques on how to change and be free of old patterns, habits, and belief systems are impacting my life in an intense, beautiful way. This is exactly what I needed to start to heal from a lifetime of abuse."

- N.J., Nampa, ID

Flying Free Sisterhood Member

When you join the Flying Free Kaleidoscope you'll get:

Group Coaching Sessions with Natalie Each Week

Get the personalized insight and support you crave. Light bulb moments? We've got ‘em! This alone is worth the cost of the program. 

LIVE Q&A with Natalie Every Month

You'll have the opportunity to ask questions related to emotional and religious abuse and get practical answers and encouragement to help you move forward.

Expert Workshops

You'll get instant access to our large vault of expert workshops with influential authors and advocates as soon as you join. 

Access to over 150 Lessons

At your own pace, you can explore topics like boundaries, spiritual abuse, detaching and detoxing from emotional abuse, parenting post-abuse, untangling Scripture used to control you, recovering from C-PTSD, and more. And don't worry—you'll get lessons in small, bite-sized portions so you won't get overwhelmed.

Access to a Private Podcast

Conveniently listen to all of our weekly coaching sessions and live event replays on the go. Just pop in your earbuds, press play, and learn brand new ways of thinking about the circumstances you are living in by listening to volunteers get coached. (You can get coached too! It's all included!)

Access to a Private Forum

Connect with Christian women going through the same things you are. These women will become some of your most trusted friends as you support and encourage one another on your journey toward wholeness.

Weekly Mini Journal Assignments

Practice setting healthy boundaries, tolerating disapproval, having self-compassion, and growing a deeper relationship with your Creator. You'll finally grow up into that empowered adult you've dreamed of being your whole life.

Butterfly Stories

You'll be able to hear the stories of women just like you sharing their transformational journeys so you can see how other women have gone from crawling to flying. These aren't just stories. These are treasure boxes full of shared golden nuggets of wisdom that will change your life.


You'll experience the benefits of being my priority every single week. I'm in the forum every day answering your questions and coaching you through your tough life situations. If you want my personal attention, this is the way to get it. 😉

When you join the Flying Free Sisterhood you'll get:

Group Coaching Sessions with Natalie Each Week

Get the personalized insight and support you crave. Light bulb moments? We've got ‘em! This alone is worth the cost of the program. 

One LIVE Q&A with Natalie every month

You'll have the opportunity to ask questions related to emotional and religious abuse and get practical answers and encouragement to help you move forward.

Expert Workshops

You'll get instant access to our large vault of expert workshops with influential authors and advocates as soon as you join. 

Access to over 150 Lessons

At your own pace, you can explore topics like boundaries, spiritual abuse, detaching and detoxing from emotional abuse, parenting post-abuse, untangling Scripture used to control you, recovering from C-PTSD, and more. And don't worry—you'll get lessons in small, bite-sized portions so you won't get overwhelmed.

Access to a Private Podcast

Conveniently listen to all of our weekly coaching sessions and live event replays on the go. Just pop in your earbuds, press play, and learn brand-new ways of thinking about the circumstances you are living in by listening to volunteers get coached. (You can get coached too! It's all included!)

Access to a Private Forum

Connect with Christian women going through the same things you are. These women will become some of your most trusted friends as you support and encourage one another on your journey toward wholeness.

Weekly Mini Journal Assignments

Practice setting healthy boundaries, tolerating disapproval, having self-compassion, and growing a deeper relationship with your Creator. You'll finally grow up into that empowered adult you've dreamed of being your whole life.

Butterfly Stories

You'll be able to hear the stories of women just like you sharing their transformational journeys so you can see how other women have gone from crawling to flying. These aren't just stories. They are treasure boxes full of shared golden nuggets of wisdom that will change your life. 


You'll experience the benefits of being my priority every single week. I'm in the forum every day answering your questions and coaching you through your tough life situations. If you want my personal attention, this is the way to get it. 😉

"I came to Flying Free confused and broken-hearted...I was at the bottom of the pit.

Up seemed impossible, but down seemed like a terrible choice, too. I was scared. When I announced my divorce, my family betrayed me, and it was the worst pain I'd ever felt in my entire life. But slowly I got the strength to climb. I don't know how, but finally I've made it to the top and it's so amazing! I'm now cheering other people on. Life is going to be good. It's still complicated, but finally, there is hope. I never would have gotten here without Flying Free.”

- K.T. Omaha, NE

Flying Free Sisterhood Member

Are you ready to go from crawling to flying?

Now is the time to get educated, build skills, and gain the support that will help you live the life God created you to live—in freedom, confidence, and peace. 


Frequently Asked Questions About the Kaleidoscope

What Kaleidoscope Members Are Saying

"I have read dozens of books, multiple blogs, listened to various podcasts over the last three years...

searching to make sense of the abuse I have been through in my life. I got many answers, but never the answers that related to me as a woman devoted to God. That was the one unanswered question I had been praying for when God led me to Flying Free. This resource is all the help I would have needed.

Flying Free Sisterhood Member

"I was afraid that if I joined Flying Free I wouldn’t do the work, I wouldn’t be brave enough to use the forum, and that I wouldn’t benefit from group sessions.

How wrong I was! Hearing the Q&A I learn something from each session I can relate to. I have found that the forum is very encouraging and everyone meets me WHERE I AM, not where they think I should be. There isn’t any shame for being in my stage, at my time. The monthly courses have been so helpful in my thinking that I’m using them with my children! I am by no means an expert, but just identifying the feelings, the lies, and the truth makes a huge difference. The best part? I can afford it!! I have struggled finding a therapist that understands emotional abuse and I certainly can’t afford all that therapy! This has been a wonderful, positive step in self-care when I was doing nothing outside of reading before."

Flying Free Sisterhood Member

"Before I joined Flying Free, I was wandering around in the darkness of shame, guilt, and fear. 

I was utterly lost inside myself. One of the worst traumas of my life had just occurred: the man who claimed to love me and wanted to spend his life with me, took a gun to my head and threatened to kill me. Only by God’s grace did I live, only by God's grace did he not pull the trigger. The weeks that followed were confusing and scary. I prayed all the time. God led me to flying free. This group has been one of the biggest blessings in my life. Flying Free has given me tools and resources. I no longer look at my hurts as a defect. I see the struggles and scars as the places where God pulled me through, and I’m proud to show off my battle scars. I am no longer afraid."

Flying Free Sisterhood Member

Ready to join this beautiful Kaleidoscope?


"I was worried it wouldn't be worth the money since finances are a major struggle right now.

Turns out it has saved me money since I can do the lessons on my time and don't need to pay a babysitter so I can see a counselor. I have received more emotional help through Flying Free than two years of weekly counseling."

- W.M. Lincoln, NE

Flying Free Sisterhood Member

"I found the underlying message to grow into emotionally mature womanhood is right on target!

It so resonates with what I believe God wants. I'm beginning to feel more confident in the direction I'm going. Kind of like I've been swimming in the ocean for hours or even days keeping my head up and heading to shore, but now I have a rope to hold on to and it's helping to pull me to shore. The feeling that someone is sharing my burden and while they aren't going to carry it for me, they are helping to adjust it and make it easier and lighter."

- Y.B. Miller, SD

Flying Free Sisterhood Member

"My main concern was that I’d get a lot of what I’ve already gotten through therapy and other support groups...

which obviously wasn’t working because here I am! The frank and straightforward, easy-to-understand way in which Natalie presents the truth has been so clarifying and freeing for me and has aided me exponentially in seeing clearly!"

- T.O. Northbridge, MA

Flying Free Sisterhood Member

"I was afraid Flying Free would be a “man-hater” group...

...and not encourage me to follow my path at my pace. I also worried that it wouldn't be worth the cost. I've discovered that it is an excellent community, with resources that offer true help and not a bunch of spam. Everyone is so supportive and accepting even though we are all on different paths, yet still we all fit together in the community."

- T.A. Rochester, MN

Flying Free Sisterhood Member

"I was done with the *home-wife-mom* help groups.

I was ready for something different. No facilitator or group of women has been as transparent, down-to-earth, heart-searching, God-loving, diverse, funny, raw, real, and strengthening as these women. Natalie is a very gifted communicator, encourager, and a genuine, wise, witty, and passionate-for-honesty facilitator and coach. Jumping into this group was one of the best decisions I ever made."

- T.M. Corpus Christi, TX

Flying Free Sisterhood Member

"I was afraid to let my damaged parts show...

I kept a lot of myself locked up tight, but gently, God has used Flying Free to open up a crack. I am post-divorce, but the posts, assignments, and guided journaling apply to me very deeply. Natalie knows how to ask good questions that prompt self-reflection and push me toward Christ—toward stepping into who He made me to be. I feel safe here. I have grown a ton in the past two months, and Flying Free is a big part of that."

- S.W. Madison, WI

Flying Free Sisterhood Member

"It's hard to describe how isolated I felt before Flying Free.

I hardly understand the truth and reality of my situation- the narcissistic abuse, coupled with my inclination to remain invested in “fixing” my marriage, left me swirling in confusion. I was trying my best to stay focused on God but felt very much isolated from support. Flying Free provided a bridge to a community of women who were walking the same the journey I was on. I could recover at my own pace. The best thing is simply the acknowledgement and understanding and validation from this group. While we all find ourselves in different abuse situations, the patterns are the same. The experiences are shared. We can tell our truths and receive support instead of misguided advice. Flying Free has allowed me to heal much faster. Part of our healing process, scripturally, is sharing our testimony in a supportive community, and that’s the kind of help I've received here. "

- R.M. Tulsa, OK

Flying Free Sisterhood Member

"I wasn't sure what to expect. I was worried this program would tell me the same things other counselors would...

...just to be happy and thankful in my situation, lean on God, but not offer me any actual solutions I can use. Flying Free is the complete opposite of what I expected and in a good way.

I feel like what Natalie is offering far exceeds any counseling I've had so far. She offers hope, but also practical lessons and exercises and I feel like I am getting stronger little by little. I feel like what you pay monthly is nothing compared to the value that you receive from the program. I feel like Natalie is caring and she interacts with you on the forums. It's completely worth the money and the time invested."

- T.S. Colorado Springs, CO

Flying Free Sisterhood Member

"I felt very overwhelmed and unsure what to even do about my situation until I joined Flying Free.

But this program is a structured, proven approach to dealing with my situation where there are multiple solutions for both scenarios, staying and leaving. 

The most helpful part for me is the coaching I get from Natalie through the weekly group coaching sessions and through the forum. I can't believe how affordable it is for what you get. It's packed with resources for all learning styles.

- J.E. Oklahoma City, OK

Flying Free Sisterhood Member

Ready to get the education, skills and support you need?


"I came to Flying Free post-divorce.

I wanted to make sure I was covering all of the bases in order to ensure healing for myself and my kids. Through Natalie's leadership and insight and this amazing group of women, I've realized that there are additional toxic relationships in my life that need to be dealt with. I really wasn't sure that I needed to be in Flying Free, but am so grateful to be here! I will continue to fight for complete freedom for my family!

- D.H. Pittsburgh PA

Flying Free Sisterhood Member

"I was still trying to figure out where my own path would lead...

Flying Free gave me support, love, and clarity about my own situation through the interactions and information presented. I am feeling stronger and more clear every day. Natalie has put together a wealth of excellent information to help women in abusive relationships. I am learning new things and feeling encouraged to regain my strength and dignity.

- B.R. Houston, TX

Flying Free Sisterhood Member

"I had spent the last three years crying...

 It took two years for the divorce to be final. I had left my church, withdrew my membership, and moved away. I bought a cabin in the mountains and finalized small details. But, I struggled daily with depression. After I joined Flying Free, I felt like I finally found a group of sisters that understood my story. We might not live close, but we understand abuse, and we try to help one another through prayer and encouragement. This group has been a huge benefit to me.

M.K. Newark, NJ

Flying Free Sisterhood Member

"I had felt alone and isolated for so long.

Flying Free was God's answer to my sorrow and loneliness in this area of abuse because although I am loved by my friends and family, not a single person in my community truly grasps my experience. With Natalie & the Flying Free ladies I know that:  

1. There's no judgment and "good wifey lectures."  

2. They're not going to treat me like a victim or feel sorry for me.  

3. It's real support and real advice, based on our relationship with Christ and not traditions of man."

- K.D. Ames, IA

Flying Free Sisterhood Member

"I was drowning, and Natalie threw me a lifeline.

I had a year of counseling, but I grew more working through the courses in Flying Free. These resources are unique and better than other things I've found out there, and the structure keeps me motivated. This has been a great investment of time and money."

- G.B. Boston, MA

Flying Free Sisterhood Member

"I used to be ashamed of having strength as a woman.

Like it wasn't feminine, somehow. But Flying Free gave me the tools to SHOW up as ME, without apology, not even just *feeling* apologetic, just SHOWING UP in the truth.  

Thank you.  It feels GREAT owning my strong.  I have always been very strong.  But I didn't know it.  I used my strength to push myself down.  All the way down. Now I use it to be who God made me to be."

- M.T. Duluth, MN

Flying Free Sisterhood Member

"There is something new and exciting to look forward to every week.

I also love that we are a faith-based group of like-minded believers, but I see acceptance and respect which is healing after being in circles where that has not been demonstrated."

- H.S. Fargo, ND

Flying Free Sisterhood Member

"I was worried Flying Free might be like other groups where it doesn’t seem to be solution-oriented - mostly just venting.

However, it is very solution-oriented, and I feel supported regardless of where I am on my journey. The organization of the site and the program is incredible and the lessons and workshops have all been beneficial. I feel like I can cut back a little on therapy and should be able to save money that way. But also in therapy, I can focus on other things that need attention, not only my relationship with my husband. I might be able to make faster progress on becoming healthier. I love how it is holistic and works in research on the mind, body, and spirit. It’s well-rounded and research-based."

- J.H. Raeford, NC

Flying Free Sisterhood Member

"I have found validation, understanding, and answers to what has happened to me.

I'm learning how to move from merely understanding abuse into healing for life. That is so important to me!I love that everything I need is "at my fingertips" and I don't have to search all over the Internet for answers. Right now this is the easiest path for both my limited time and traumatized brain to be able to grasp the concepts of abuse and healing. Secondly, I'd have to say that I love that everything we do or say stems from the perspective of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. There are lots of very good resources to help with abuse and healing, but for me, healing without Jesus is incomplete and inadequate. I want to be healed wholly from the inside-out and that can only be accomplished by my Creator and Savior.

- K.L. Atlanta, GA

Flying Free Sisterhood Member

"I have been struggling in my relationship with God and was at a point of giving up.


Flying Free offers amazing lessons, videos, teaching, coaching. I have told so many friends about Flying Free and your book. Every lesson has been so powerful. It really saved my faith. I have been truly changed in just one month, and I'm now actually excited about my future. I feel like I have tools to help me with the downtimes. Because you have a created a comprehensive healing pathway for us to walk down, we are learning become stronger, healthier Christian women. I know I am growing and seeing breakthroughs in areas that have held me back for years. I still have a long way to go but I am so happy right now. I haven't experienced this much victory for years. I have already shared with 5 other friends who are in destructive marriages. Why? It works. It is transformative. I have been doing a lot of counseling but this is really taking it up a notch.

- R.G. Creston, CA

Flying Free Sisterhood Member

"I have a hard time making decisions, afraid to make the wrong one...

but I finally allowed myself to join and gave myself permission to cancel down the road if it isn't a good fit. I don't have a counselor right now, so I am finding the homework assignments a very good way of keeping me accountable and moving forward. Something that Flying Free offers that isn't available through traditional counseling is the family of sisters that are there to journey along with you. I like that there is so much to choose from and you can take it on at your own pace. You don't have to feel like your behind or failing. All the resources are there for you when you are ready.

- V.J. Ellicott City, MD

Flying Free Sisterhood Member

"I thought I'd just waste my money and time if I joined...

but the first month made such a positive alteration on my heart and! Hearing the truth of the Word of God is breaking down strongholds of lies in my mind! They're slowly changing fear to confidence, the firmly believed lie that I couldn't be successful or valued in my life. Helping me love myself and others better because I'm accepting love from Jesus. Getting encouragement from women who understand is much more powerful than from those who don't. The advice from the expert workshops is amazing. Reading and hearing people articulate what's vaguely been in my mind. WOW!!

- P.K. Newport News, VA

Flying Free Sisterhood Member

"Before Flying Free, I felt judged and devalued by my pastor and other leaders in my church.

I just wanted help with the continuous, escalating problems in my marriage. But nobody understood or took me seriously.

After a few months in Flying Free, I was able to regain my balance, live in more peace and clarity, and strengthen my faith and spirit. I found sound Biblical counsel, and I developed relationships with other women who sincerely cared and understood where I was. And more importantly, I learned how to lovingly and wisely move forward.

- P.H. Atlanta, GA

Flying Free Sisterhood Member

"I was concerned there would be too strong of an emphasis on spiritual abuse...

and that much content wouldn't apply to my situation since I'm not dealing with spiritual abuse. I knew Flying Free would be packed full of helpful resources, but so far the content I've worked through has exceeded my expectations. There are many helpful exercises I can actually do to make real progress gradually. I love that journaling is an integral part of the process, as I've always been an avid journaler and know the value of it.

- C.L. Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada

Flying Free Sisterhood Member

"No one in my church understood what I had gone through and if it wasn't for my friend telling me about Flying Free I don't know where I could have gone.

I personally was able to get on the group coaching and you have helped me so much with the content on your page. I am so grateful to you for Flying Free and how you have helped me. I have cried and laughed watching and listening to you and I am just so grateful.

Flying Free Sisterhood Member

"Words alone cannot begin to describe the profoundly positive impact Flying Free has had on my life.

After so many many years of discounting and quieting my own heart and emotions, I’m finally listening to my own spirit while continuing to follow The Holy Spirit. Go figure!  I wasn’t crazy after all!  As I continue to carefully strengthen my own soul, I’m slowly rising out of this hellish pit in which I’ve existed.  Small step by step, prayer by prayer, plan by plan, I do see some light now. I’m spiritually free now, becoming steadily increasingly emotionally free, and One Day will be physically free and living my life away from this toxic environment.  Sometimes my progress feels slow, but then God so sweetly reminds me how precious I am in this process.

Flying Free Sisterhood Member

"As I look back on the last year, I have come sooooo far...

Mostly it’s been relearning the truth about my circumstance and about me. I am no longer in denial. I feel stronger in every way and I feel more confident in making tough decisions. I know that I can do what I need to do to take care of myself for the first time and that most importantly it’s ok!  God loves me more than the sanctity of marriage. Especially a bad marriage. Thanks for shining the light on what I’ve been experiencing in my marriage. It was confusing but I’m seeing much more clearly now. You have supported me and encouraged me sooo much. I’m looking forward to growing even more this next year!

Flying Free Sisterhood Member

"Flying Free is life-saving and that is no exaggeration.

I've gone from utter despair, confusion, and believing I am an evil sinful woman to beginning my journey to me, warts and all, but me who a loving God created. The lessons, expert workshops, butterfly stories, and coaching sessions are like food to my soul and your honest and relatable delivery is refreshing and provides a sense of safety where all else feels very shaky.

I have a long journey ahead BUT because of the strength and support I find here, I believe I can do this now, for my son and me to be free.

Flying Free Sisterhood Member